Tuesday 10 January 2012

Do I .......

…..live from one vacation to the next ? Someone very dear to me made that comment, it wasn’t even a question but just straight out – an accusation. “You really live from one vacation to the next huh!”
I thought I wouldn’t be affected by such silly comments but I did, it hurt simply because it comes from someone close to my old heart! And the implications it brought along with such a statement! Does this implies that I don’t like living in my small but very cosy and colourful house? Does this implies that I don’t like living with my B and N anymore? Or that I don’t like my daily routine, working, ferrying N from school, household chores, cooking and whatever else that I do in my lovely house…..
I sat down for awhile and think. And as I looked around me, I love how our library covers most of our walls, how cosy our living room is and how our dining room can change with just a turn of the table. And I love our small backyard when it is clean and we can enjoy sitting outside when it’s not too cold or warm. I love the days that I am all alone at home, just Gray, me and our Bose speakers producing the soothing sounds of my favourites songs.

NO, I do not live from one vacation to the next BUT I do LOVE planning for our vacation. All that adventure and the journey itself, yet to be discovered. Sends a thrill right through me! So, next time someone ask me or accuse me, I’ll just give them straight. NO, I love being home too because every time, every year when I am back in the far east visiting family and friends, not even a week has gone by that I would be utterly homesick already for Ghent, for my own space, my things and the quietness of my surroundings.


  1. oh well, i hope the next time around, you are busier doing your thing than bothering what someone else has to say :) on that note, here's wishing many more happy vacations to you :)

  2. Dharma, you dropped by! Thanks, its like having a celebrity writer saying something on my space, ecstatic!

    1. M - I'll drop by more often if you promise not to pull my leg like this :D

  3. Don't get so worked up when someone makes a comment like that babe, no matter how well they may know you. So what if you live from one vacation to another - no matter how much we love our family, life is tough so a vacation is a well earned break, even if just a while. Besides, seeing a new place is rejuvenating for the spirit and mind and it certainly opens your mind up to new things, places, people, food. I have met people who don't go on vacations or just go to the same places every year and they don't really make for good company, let's just leave it at that. I'm already thinking of where to go next!

  4. Hey ya Mrs AJ ; ) - Thanks for dropping by sweetie! Yeah, i need rejuvenating every once in awhile. I think migrants like us all need it - i hope you are already planning for your next getaway hehehehe *Hugs* Thx for leaving a note, appreciate your input. If you need help or tips on where to go and somewhere practical, just ask away ok.
