Wednesday 21 September 2011

Man in the Mirror

Today on the way home from picking up the kid from school – in the tram – for the 100th time, we were surrounded by rowdy, rude and very vocal (noisy) school going teens. They are all non-whites, making a lot of noise, speaking vulgarly and putting their legs on the seats. They (the Turks, Moroccans and Africans mostly) complains about not being accepted into the society here, even though they have been here for more than 50 years. They should really look at themselves first! 

They way they drive, the way they act in public, the rubbish they throw, the criminal activity they are involve in. 

In the neighbourhood we live in (we live in a rough neighbourhood), every Sunday, our roads are congested with cars who decides to stop in the middle of the road just because they see someone they know and decide to strike up a convo right in the middle of the freaking road! It makes me mad when I hear them complaining of not (or never will be) being accepted by Belgians but perhaps isn’t it a good idea to look in the mirror first. Argh!

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with this one. Seems that this problem is rampant throughout Europe and NL is no different. One thing I've learned after being here for 10 years is that once you are an immigrant,you will always be one and thus, you should behave like one! That lesson is perhaps lost on most of the other immigrants.
